Monday, August 3, 2009

Mom's Getting Geeky!

Fun, musical and geeky little gizmo over at They call it a 'Tone Matrix.' Briefly, it's a blank grid filled with little squares which each emit a different musical tone. You can create a quick little meditative chime or something equally unique to boost your energy or at the very least attract some office-mates over to your desk. The developer notes it is based on the "Audiotool" engine that can be found at There is more info at hobnox on how to create your own electronic music with base/drums/guitar, etc. Audiotool requires Adobe Flash to play. Just think, our kids may think we are 'cool' for about 10 seconds!

1 comment:

  1. Totally cool tool! Would love to try to figure out how to save a mini-video of it and turn it into a screen-saver...


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Texas, United States
Can you say Scottish? Business professional, single mom, patriot, student, who is always striving to enjoy life to the fullest! Every minute is precious and I love learning new ways to participate through the wisdom of others.

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