Friday, August 28, 2009

Classy Picture Hanging Idea From Country French Magazine

Ok, I"ll admit it. I am just a bit of a Francophile. The history, the architecture, the language and most recently Votre Vu (I'll explain later in another post). Let's just say I enjoy the artistry and beauty of France. This idea for hanging pictures in Country French Magazine was so cute, I just have to share it. There is a picture on page 35 of the Fall/Winter 2009 edition for those who may want to check it out.

To set the scene: The magazine showcases homes across the country and shares how their owners have decorated them using French design inspiration. This picture arrangement was in a California home that belonged to a couple who are connoisseurs of 16thand 17th century French and Italian ink sketches. They also collect French antique furniture. Personally, I cannot relate to any of that other than having a general sense of appreciation.

The pictures: There was a series of 6 framed prints. This arrangement is so simple it's breathtaking. There are no DIY instructions in the article but it looks like they took an ornate, long wrought iron curtain rod and mounted it on a wall, centered it even. They placed three large S hooks on the rod, spacing them equi-distance apart in such a way as to provide balance. From each hook hangs a simple chain link. The three chains hanging vertically, each supporting two pictures. It is mesmerizing, functional and elegant, all at once. at the same time. It would be so easy to change out the pictures to match an event or season. What a charming, unique and inexpensive way to freshen the look of a room.

If I manage to get my hands on a picture, I'll share it with you. In the meantime, fire up those vivid imaginations and make it your own! I'm already plotting ways to frame and hang some beautiful fabrics!

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Texas, United States
Can you say Scottish? Business professional, single mom, patriot, student, who is always striving to enjoy life to the fullest! Every minute is precious and I love learning new ways to participate through the wisdom of others.

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